Series: Adair Affairs (Book 2)
Shocking discoveries rock the Adairs...and a determined librarian can't help falling for one of this dynasty's rugged heroes
It's true that money can't buy happiness. Librarian Georgia Mason has seen one wealthy Adair ruin her stepmother's life and swears she won't get involved with his son Carson. So what if he's a hot former special ops soldier who showers her with extravagant gifts? But he is the sexiest man she's ever met and it's hard to hate him for searching for his long-lost stepbrother, or tracking down the traitor behind his botched mission. And when Georgia faces life-threatening danger, Carson protects her, igniting their scorching passion. Maybe love of money isn't the root of all evil. Maybe there's more to Carson to trust, respect...and love.
Good second installment in the series. In this one Carson, second son of the murdered Reginald Adair, is determined to find the missing half brother they never knew about. To do that, he needs the help of his father's first wife. But her stepdaughter Georgia has spent her whole life hearing about how the wealthy Adairs treated her stepmother and she is determined to protect her from harassment.
I really liked Carson. I felt bad for him, because he was feeling rather lost on several fronts. He has lost his career in the Marines due to an injury and isn't sure what he wants to do now, though his brother Whit has some ideas. That mission was also unsuccessful and resulted in the loss of his best friend. His father's death has made it impossible to heal the breach that had formed between them, and the revelations about his first family make him feel that he never knew his father at all. Taking over the search for his missing brother gives him a sense of purpose he hasn't had since he got out of the Marines. Meeting the lovely Georgia adds a different sort of challenge to his day. I loved the way that he doesn't let her prejudice against the wealthy in general and the Adairs specifically bother him. In fact, he seems to find it pretty amusing and is determined to change her mind. He understands why she feels that way, and also sees that she has spent far more time taking care of her stepmother's needs and ignoring her own. I loved the way that he does everything he can to show her that having money isn't necessarily a bad thing. He also comes to see that there is more than just his family's money that is bothering her, and has the patience to learn what it is. I loved all the things he did for her.
I had a little more trouble warming up to Georgia. I understood her need to protect Ruby because of everything the woman had been through. But her refusal to see anything good in the younger Adairs, even after they showed that they didn't agree with their parents really started to irritate me. She saw Ruby relax around them, and also get interested in one of the neighbor men, and tried hard to discourage her from doing so, fearing that she would just get hurt again. Georgia was attracted to Carson, but her prejudices wouldn't let her think that there was any chance of something between them. She also feared that she was only seeing what Carson wanted her to see. She had had a bad experience with a man that she thought she knew well, only to learn that he had a very dark side. Trusting Carson was something that came very hard for her, though she did eventually see that he was a man of integrity. She seemed to have trouble seeing that being a good man was not mutually exclusive of being wealthy. I got quite frustrated with her judgmental attitude toward the wealthy, especially when she liked being the beneficiary of Carson's attentions. I really wanted to shake her when she took the siblings' shock at her suggestion about their brother's identity the wrong way and ran off in a snit. I thought she was very lucky that Carson cared enough to keep trying.
There was a lot going on during the suspense portion of the book and it really kept my interest. There was the ongoing search for clues about what had happened to the missing baby, mostly leading to dead ends, until the very end. There were also the attacks on Carson and Georgia, and how they led back to the failed mission that ended Carson's career in the Marines. The attacks also brought out Carson's protective side, and I loved seeing the care he took with Georgia's safety. There was an interesting twist to some of the attacks that wasn't a huge surprise, but did add some extra intensity to the action. It had me on the edge of my seat until it was finally resolved. I'm looking forward to the next book and finding out if Georgia's suspicions were correct.
One of the other things I enjoyed about this book was seeing characters from the first Adair series (The Adair Legacy) again. I loved seeing Kate happy with her first love, and that she's just as warm and friendly to Georgia as she was in the first books. I'm looking forward to seeing Derek Winchester, from that series, in the next book, since I really liked him.